Getting your company IPO ready

Many unlisted companies strive to professionalise their financial communications. Some have specific plans to go public in Denmark or in the international market, while others seek to improve the preparedness of the organisation and its understanding of what it is to be a listed company.

Grimberg Communications is experienced in the listing of companies on Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Stockholm, Spotlight and Euronext Oslo and supports you in the IPO process – both before, under and after.

Grimberg Communications supports you in the entire IPO process

Getting IPO ready


  • IR platform: Building systems and processes and defining the contributors within the organisation
  • Communications: Coordinating the communication effort and ensuring that the internal and external communications can be handled
  • Preparations: Preparing the relevant presentation materials and templates, the investor site, etc.

IPO execution


  • Focus: Ensuring openness and availability
  • Storytelling: Ensuring consistent storytelling no matter the spokesperson
  • IR in practice: Making presentations (roadshows), updating electronic channels and the investor site
  • Ongoing evaluation
Listed company


  • ”Walk the talk”: Allocating the time required for IR activities
  • Compliance: Ensuring additional attention when everything is new
  • Expectation management: Maintaining a close dialogue with main analysts and key investors
  • Evaluation: Evaluating the IR and communication effort